Sunday, 25 March 2012

The Reflection

  • Week One
The first week of the meeting only to discuss the introduction of Alpro, Alpro is the abbreviation of the programming algorithm. The algorithm is a sequence of logical steps solving the problems systematically and logically arranged. While the programming algorithm is a sequence of logical steps that systematically implemented into the programming flow chart for example. The first week, learning opened pretty fun.
  • Week Two
Well ...... in Chapter 2 we will learn about the sequence.
WHAT IS sequences???????

Sequence is a series of statements that the order of execution and implementation of coherent,
when the order is reversed then the statement will have meaning berdeda. EXAMPLE sequence is like an "How to change the lamp that dead whit new lamp"
we must first let go of the dead were the lamp before replacing it.
for that we need a tool that can be used separately if mengjangkau lights in the ceiling, like a chair for example.
then put it straight under the seat where the lights.
then climbed into the chair.
after it had died off the lights of the container, and I suggest to be careful when taking them off. because it relates to electricity.
after lights off dicopok then replace with a new lamp.
to test whether a new lamp lit or not we can push on and off lights tolbol.

after testing and it turns out the flame, so our task has been completed. return the chair to the place of origin and dispose of broken bulbs to landfills.

CASE 3.1
At the time of the second week we were told to settle a case of counting the number of three integers using the raptor.
How it works:
The first open-raptornya
-2-a to open books
-third completed

  • Week Three
Done or mind no think no brain.
  • Week Four
This week I could not come at the meeting because I'm in a lecture given period of time to feel the beauty of it's healthy (aka sick).
so yes alas, I can not move people, already have a toll-ga abis modem. huft,,, very annoying.
flowchar ini merupakan allogaritma untuk menampilkan angka yang habis dibagi 3 dan 5 antara 1 -100.

flowchart nilai yg habis diper 3&5 antara 1-100

Flowchart Alogaritma bilangan Fibonacci

Bilanga fibonacci adalah barisan bilangan yang berawal dari 0 dan 1, kemudian angka berikutnya didapat dengan cara menambahkan kedua bilangan yang berurutan sebelumnya.
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144...dst.

Dimulai dari suku pertama = 0 dan kedua = 1, suku ketiga adalah jumlah 2 suku pertama. Dalam rumus :
F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)

flowchart fibonacci

Kasus tentang menampilkan titik tengah.

Sebenarnya saya belum terlalu paham dengan ini karena setelah saya runing hasilnya kok hanya angka 1 saja.
tapi ya ini yang bisa saya kerjakan, mudah2 ada yg bisa membantu saya.

flowchart menentukan titik tengah

Flowchart untuk konversi Suhu dari C ke F ke K ke R.

flowchart suhu.

Algoritma Menentukan 7 Hari dalam Seminggu

flowchart Hari

Menampilkan bilangan ganjil dari 0 sampai dengan 10

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
   int i;
   i =1;
      if (i % 2==0)
         cout << i << endl;      }
      i =i+1;
   return 0;

Alogaritma bilangan terbalik atau N-1.


Flowchart merubah CM ke Inchi.

Mencari Volume Ball alias Bola

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
int main()
string raptor_prompt_variable_zzyz;
int r;
int Phi;
int Volume_Bola;

Phi =3,14;
raptor_prompt_variable_zzyz ="Masukkan r :";
cout << raptor_prompt_variable_zzyz << endl;
cin >> r;
Volume_Bola =4/3*Phi*r*r*r;
cout << Volume_Bola << endl;

return 0;

C++ dan Alogaritma Raptor untuk menampilkan bilangan 1 sampai 4

Alogaritma dalam Raptor.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
   string raptor_prompt_variable_zzyz;
   int batas;
   int bil;
   raptor_prompt_variable_zzyz ="Batas bilangan";
   cout << raptor_prompt_variable_zzyz << endl;
   cin >> batas;
   bil =0;
   while (!(bil==batas))
      bil =bil+1;
      cout << bil << endl;   }
   return 0;

Menghitung volum dan luas permukaan kubus

Ini alogaritma dalam Raptor.

Samping kiri adalah algoritma dalam Raptor.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
int main()
   string raptor_prompt_variable_zzyz;
   int s;
   int v;
   int lper;

   v =0;
   lper =0;
   raptor_prompt_variable_zzyz ="masukkan panjang sisi";
   cout << raptor_prompt_variable_zzyz << endl;
   cin >> s;
   v =s*s*s;
   lper =6*s*s;
   cout << "volum kubusnya : "<<v << endl;   cout << "luas permukaan kubus : "<<lper << endl;
   return 0;